I know, I know... It's been a while since my last post. And I've said I would post more, but I forgot to.
But don't blame me, blame my laziness. Yup, that's right I'm lazy and I'm proud of it.
No not really that was a lie. I hate being lazy, I get bad grades because of it. And I act like I don't care, but from the inside, I want to scream and the only person I can blame is me.
If I want to do something, like homework or cleaning my room, I just get distracted by my computer, cellphone and stuff like that.
So I think it's time to do something about it... Don't know what but I will think of something, I guess...
You know what's weird? Fashion... Sometimes I see clothes in magazines or on a catwalk from what I think; Who the hell is going to wear that?
I mean those clothes are really expensive, it takes time and money to make them and the only persons I can think of who would wear them are Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj.
For example:
Would somebody really wear this? For Halloween maybe yes. Or you can put it in a museum. I wouldn't even wear this if I got money. Wait maybe I would, pretends on how many I would get.
And after you wore this, you can throw it away with this garbage bag outfit;

he probably would throw you in his truck... \
But serious, what was this designer thinking?
Did he threw his garbage out and was like; 'That bag looks awesome, let's make it for people to wear.'
No, I like more simple clothes, you know clothes designed for humans ;-)
And what about you? Would you wear this, or do you like this? Tell me by leaving a comment.
See Ya!
xoxo Mizz_Maroc
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